Earlier this month, Managing Director of TEAM, Andy Dunne, took to the stage at the Birmingham Recruitment Agency Expo to talk networking and…LEGO®?!
You see, Andy says that building a professional network takes time and effort, much like assembling a LEGO® masterpiece. You need patience, persistence, and the right pieces to create a solid network. Off the back of his talk at #RecExpo, we crafted a practical 13-step guide to help you build, develop, and strengthen your connections, brick by brick.
In our free downloadable guide, you'll have the opportunity to brainstorm and set clear goals that align with both your personal and business objectives. Use these strategies to help you expand your professional reach and grow a strong professional network that will eventually boost your bottom line. Just like constructing a complex LEGO® set, every connection you make adds another layer of strength to your network.
You'll discover how to develop your own personal brand, showcasing your commitment to your growth and professional development. The guide even includes a blueprint for success, offering you personalised steps to take, with helpful tips on using AI to create a tailored networking plan.
Explore old and new networking methods and evaluate which approach works best for you and your business. Learn how to build valuable partnerships and collaborations that will expand your network and extend your reach. Remember - just like building with LEGO®, networking should be fun!
Here’s a sneak peek at the first 3 actions you can implement today:
1. Networking like LEGO®
Brainstorm the types of events you could attend that will benefit you and your business - whether they’re industry conferences, local meetups, or workshops. Then, set a goal to attend one event per month between now and Christmas. At each event, make a point of meeting at least five new contacts and actively follow up with them.
Check out Hung Lee’s Recruiting Brainfood list of upcoming Recruitment and TA Events.
2. LEGO® & networking: An Investment in your Busines
Identify two specific networking activities to invest in this month. This could be attending an industry event, joining a professional group, or scheduling one-on-one meetings with key contacts. Then, allocate both time and money for these activities and commit to them, recognising that these investments are essential building blocks for long-term success.
3. Follow a plan: The Blueprint for Networking Success
Create a simple networking plan for the next three months. Identify the key people you want to connect with, the events to attend, and specific actions to take. Download the guide to get a ChatGPT prompt that will help you generate a personalised networking plan!
In the guide, you’ll also find some impressive top networking tips, an explanation and how to implement those tips, from eight leading networkers in the recruitment industry. If you haven’t heard of them yet (which we doubt!) get connected:
Their inspirational insights will help you refine your strategy and make meaningful connections.
Ready to start building your network? Download our free guide and get access to a step-by-step blueprint designed to help you create a solid, lasting network. With our handy downloadable guide, you’ll be on your way!
TEAM is the UK’s largest recruitment network. We exist to create opportunities for recruiters, whether solo or established agencies, to save on costs and increase revenue, through extensive access to services, as well as offering a safe, collaborative national network to help businesses and people reach their potential.
TEAM is the UK's largest recruitment network for independently owned businesses, providing networking opportunities, shared resources, and support to help members grow and succeed.
TEAM, PM House, Old Portsmouth Road, Peasmarsh, Guildford, GU3 1LZ
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